Saturday, December 2, 2017

Thanksgiving in Texas - November 2017

Dodds Family on Thanksgiving at Statler Hotel
This year was Thanksgiving in Texas, with Christmas in Louisiana only a couple of weeks later.  We were able to get a bit of an earlier flight, arriving at Love Field at 7pm.  Keith's dad picked us up and drove us straight back to the house, where Jean had a dinner of Salmon and asparagus almost ready.  After dinner and a couple of glasses of wine, it was off to bed.

Graham's New Restaurant - Overeasy
Thanksgiving morning we walked the Cotton Belt trail, taking 1.25 hours for the walk.  We had a quick shower and then drove to Dallas for our lunch at Graham's new restaurant Overeasy at the Statler Hotel.  Graham gave us a tour of all the new restaurants under construction at the hotel, as well as taking us to the rooftop bar.  The company has done a great job of resurrecting the mid-century modern vibe from when the place was built in 1955.  Lunch was delicious - we all sat at the main table in the middle of the restaurant, with Marisa joining us with Boone.  We started with the famous biscuits which were in fact amazing - and then most of us had the turkey for lunch.  We took a family picture and then drove home.  We then headed to Peter's house where Bob, Ginny, and Mark had joined Peter, Jen, and the kids for lunch.  We chatted with them for a couple of hours and also got to see their new RV. The final event of the evening was going to see the movie Wonder - with Graham and Amy B joining us.  We skipped dinner after a filling lunch.

On Friday, we met Amy who was picking Lily up to go to Greenville for Thanksgiving lunch.  We then went with Keith's parents to White Rock where we were shooting to make it around in less than 2:50 - and we all made it with 2 minutes to spare.  It was straight back to the house for a shower, nap, and another shower before heading back to Dallas for dinner at the newly renovated French Room at the Adolphus.  It was Graham's idea to go there - Keith's parents were last there in 1982 when the dinner price tag of $140 total gave Dick sticker shock.  The price has definitely increased since.  It was a delicious 7 course set dinner with wine pairing - it was a good thing we had taken an Uber there!

White Rock Lake
On Saturday, we did a another walk in the morning, dropped by Margaret's to see Damon and the new BBQ area, then headed over to Dallas to see Rebecca, Thad, and Tucker.  It was only about an hour there until we had to drive to the La Madeline in Plano where we met the whole family as well as Amy and her daughter Ryann.  Keith's parents had got there a bit early and had us sitting at a table that held all 12 of us.  We then headed over to the Pantomime at Theater Britain, only 3 minutes away - where we saw The Three Musketeers.

Rapunzel "Pantomime"
Sunday morning we had another walk, showered, did our laundry and sheets, and packed to head out.  Before lunch Lily, Owen, and Josie gave us their own Panto show based on Rapunzel, using many Panto themes.  It was really cute.  We had to wolf down lunch, then Keith's dad drove us to Love Field so Keith could fly to Phoenix and Shawna could go to the cold blue yonder of Hartford.

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