Sunday, April 22, 2018

Raleigh Weekend - April 2018

Quegrass Festival Raleigh
Keith had to be on the East Coast for property tours so we decided to make a weekend of it to see the NC Gang.  Our flight left after work on the Wednesday, getting in to Raleigh at 12:30am Thursday.  John, gracious as ever, picked us up at the airport and brought us back to the house.  Keith was feeling crappy so it was immediately to bed.

The next day we both worked remotely from John's house: Keith downstairs and Shawna in the bedroom.  It was that setup for the whole day until Keith left to drive to Norfolk at 6pm.  That evening, Shawna, John, and Jo all walked to trivia night at House of Hops and had burgers from the food truck.  Shawna was no help with the trivia!

Suppa Club Ladies
On Friday, Shawna worked from the house, and Keith had his meeting and drove back early...getting back to John's house at 4:30pm.  Keith had a small nap, then we all drove the rental car to the airport for a drop off - then ubered the rest of the way to Julie's wine bar Bottle Rev.  It was great to see her, have some beers, and "order in" Indian from the restaurant next door.  The beers were great, the Indian a bit less than average.

On Saturday, Keith was still feeling rough so he stayed in bed while the rest Ubered to the ALS walk in downtown Raleigh.  We donated $80 and walked 2 miles.  Keith then met the rest at Taverna Agora for some beers, hummus, and greek salads with gyro.  We all walked from there to the 'Cuegrasss Festival' where we met Annie, Adam, and their kids and listened to music for a couple of hours.  After that it was home for a nap before walking over to the community clubhouse for Suppa Club, hosted by Larry and Laura, with Joyce/Phil, Keith/Kate, and Kim.  The theme was Whole30 with every dish made by Larry and Laura (they didn't quite get the fact that they are supposed to assign dishes). We had chicken and noodles with shrimp with a salad.  It was great to see everyone and we stayed out past midnight much to Keith's pride.

Suppa Club Guys
Sunday morning came with Shawna now feeling poorly - likely Keith's fault!  So we took it very easy! We slept in, drove out for lunch at Relish, relaxed the afternoon in the house, and were dropped at the airport at 5pm so we could head our separate ways: Shawna home to Phoenix and Keith up to Providence for a week of property tours.

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