Sunday, June 23, 2019

Oakdale NY - June 2019

Shawna and Chris
Shawna took advantage of needing to be on the East Coast for work and visited Chris for the weekend in Oakdale.  She flew in late Thursday night and Ubered to Chris' house where Chris met her outside of the gate. We stayed up for a short while chatting before going to sleep.

Shell painting

On Friday, Shawna worked from Chris' house during the day and then joined Chris for drinks.  We ordered in sushi and then stayed up past midnight chatting, laughing and drinking wine.

Nate in his lobster outfit
On Saturday, we went to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast and then walked to the beach to pick up some shells with the kids. We drove into town and had lunch at Five Points where we had yummy burgers, treated the kids to chocolate at the Sayville Chocolatier and then went to Target to buy paint.  In the afternoon, we painted shells for the kids to sell.  That evening, Chris' sister, Tricia, hosted a graduation party for her daughter who just graduated from high school.  It was great to see the whole family as well as other friends.  After the party, we hung out at the bungalow chatting some more.

Edie and Shawna
On Sunday, we had bagels at Chris' siblings house and then walked to the beach with the kids.  We picked up salads at Five Points and ate them at the house and then painted more shells.  Chris then drove Shawna to the airport to pick up a rental car and Shawna drove up to CT for work the following week.

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