Saturday, September 29, 2001

Wedding Reception - Louisiana - Sept 2001

In order to celebrate the wedding with the Louisiana contingent who were unable to make the wedding in July in Colorado, we held a second event at Tamahka Trails Golf Club in Marksville, Louisiana two months later. 

Honey, Ed, Nicole and Hunter

Many of Shawna's friends from high school (including Amy, Gene, Janelle, Alison, and Hope) and grammar school (including Ginger and Sandy) made it as well as friends of Shawna's parents.  Shawna had not seen some of them for several years so the event also served as a mini-reunion.  Keith's parents came along with Jessie, Magda and Frank from Texas.

In typical Louisiana style, there was plenty of yummy cajun food and desserts.  We also had a band playing so some people danced.

The morning after, Shawna's mother held a brunch at her house and invited many of their friends.  After a day of eating, we opened up all of the gifts that people had brought.

Magda, Keith and Frank

It was truly wonderful to catch up with old friends!