Sunday, February 19, 2006

Margaret and Damon Wedding - Feb 2006

Dodds Family
Keith heard that his sister Margaret was getting married while we were both in Nepal - right after we left the Annapurna trail.  Margaret and Damon opted for a destination wedding, so all the family and friends headed out to Catalina Island for a long weekend.

Hotel Metropole - a quaint hotel in the town of Avalon.

Ruth, Jean and Dick
Margaret and Keith
We flew in to LAX from Raleigh in time to meet the whole Dodds and Osbourne family at the ferry terminal so we could catch the 2pm ferry to Catalina.  We checked in to the hotel and walked around Avalon.  The Friday was a relaxing day - we spent some time running, walking around part of the island and kayaking.  Friday afternoon was the rehearsal, followed by a "get acquainted dinner" at Armstrong's Restaurant (where Keith gave Margaret and Damon his "Ode" - see below), then beer and wine at the Beach House.  The wedding ceremony was on the Saturday at 3pm on the deck of the Beach House, followed by a reception at the Ristorante Villa Portafino.  Everyone then went back to the Beach House for late night drinks before retreating for the evening.  Sunday was time to pack up and head back to the East Coast!

Keith and Dick
Shawna and Keith
An Ode to Margaret and Damon
Thirty seven years ago I started my time
It started so great, everything was mine

Then along came Graham, oh what a laugh
All of a sudden, Mum and Dad’s attention was split in half

But then came sister Margaret, of what a turd
Yup, the next thing you know, a half became a third

But at that time I should have known I had it great
Because eventually for everything Graham and I got, Margaret got 8!

Yeah, Graham and I spent our early years in Kmart crap
While Margaret lived the good life – always dressed in Gap

Every summer we were shipped to Scotland where we’d play among the castles
Our parents said it was for speech therapy, but it really gave them time off without us as a hassle

Keith, Dick and Graham
Margaret did well in high school – she got A’s time and again
So it was a surprise to no one when she graduated in the Top 10

My sister’s first attempt at college was a lot better than mine
However, Trinity had too many Republicans, and not a good time

Margaret eventually found her true calling by studying Geology
But I still get it confused – isn’t it Archeology?

No story would be complete without mentioning her cat Calypso
Who she loves so dearly, but I think is a spoiled, hissing fatso

I’ll never understand how Margaret subscribed to the politics of Mao,
Now she’s a raving left wing communist, who doesn’t eat cow

Kelly, Jean and Judy
She got her masters in Colorado while also hiking 14’ers each day
Then she moved to DC, Seattle, and now Dallas – with the EPA

As you can see, Margaret has led a fun and exciting life
She’s finally settling down now with someone who will put up with her as a wife

Damon, we’re glad you’re joining our family, it really is nice
But to help you survive with the Dodds’, Shawna and I have some advice

First, as you may already know, don’t leave your shoes on when you walk in the door
The only thing worse than that is to spill something on the floor

I think that you may have already learned that it is critical to “suck up to Mum”
But don’t look to me for examples – I’m not so good at this one

The way to Dad’s heart is through wine and Indian Food
Through a trip organized in detail in a spreadsheet – that puts him in a good mood

As I sum up my thoughts I know this to be true
I couldn’t think of a more perfect match than the 2 of you

So as you move on to this next stage, I leave you with this wish
May you have a lifetime full of fond memories, and unending happiness