Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fuqua 15 Year Reunion - April 2014


We went back to Durham to celebrate our 15 year Fuqua reunion - boy has time flown by! We stayed at John's house, arriving on Thursday night. Keith got there early since he was already on the East coast for work so he and John had "dead cow" for dinner at the Angus Barn. They picked up Shawna after dinner at the airport and we all had a few drinks before crashing for the night. JoAnna was not in town as unfortunately her cousin had passed away earlier in the week. 

Shawna and Kim
Keith and Lew
On Friday, we worked from John's house and then went over to school to begin the festivities. There was a cocktail reception, followed by dinner (food was not that great) and then after dinner, we all went over to Washington Duke for a few more drinks. There was probably about 50 people from our class there - it was awesome to catch up with everyone. Mostly everyone looked the same, just slightly older. We got to see our fair share of kid photos and learn where people were living and what they were doing for work. We also found out that Kim and Tom are moving back to Jersey which they are so happy about - we joked that we may see them more!

Keith, Phoebe, Ruby
Dodds and Snarrs - Where it all began!
On Saturday, we slept in and then went to school to have BBQ for lunch. We got to see the Artins' kids who came for the kids festivities. After lunch, we walked over to the Duke book store to buy some swag and then we hit the Wa Duke trail with Kim, Tom, and Keith A. We did a sling shot and were thirsty and tired at the end. We showered and changed in Kim and Tom's room and then went back to school for another cocktail reception and dinner. The dinner was better than the night before! Not wanting to end the evening, we all returned to Washington Duke for drinks and enjoyed the awesome weather outside. We finally called it an evening around 1:30 pm - we could not remember the last time we stayed out that late! We drove back to John's house, crashed for 5 hours and then got up early to catch our flight back home. 

It's the Oscar Selfie Photo! Dave, Tom, Simi,
Kim, Elizabeth, Mike, Keith, Keith,  Craig
We are already looking forward to our 20th and hope to see more of our classmates there!

Julie and Jeff