Sunday, December 7, 2014

Texas (Christmas) - Dec 2014

Owen - The Bday Boy Age 8
Since we went to Louisiana for Thanksgiving this year, we did the early Christmas weekend in Texas.  Keith was already in Texas for work.  Shawna flew in Friday evening - Keith picked her up at Love Field at 10pm and headed back to the house and straight to bed.

Margaret, Shawna, Jean
Saturday was Owen's birthday, so we were able to attend his 8th bday party.  He opted to do it at Blue Sky Sports in Euless - an indoor soccer venue.  Most of the kids in attendance were from Owen's soccer team - plus the whole family.  Marissa was there with Boone, Lily was able to make it, as well as Chip and Judy.  Keith played soccer with the kids - his time on the Cosmos did not seem entirely helpful to his current skills.  Shawna chatted with Marissa and Jean.  After soccer, all the kids retired to a party room where pizza and cake was served, followed by beating each other over the head with balloons.  Only two hours with kids and we were both very tired so we both had a nap for an hour before heading out for the evening activities.  We started with dinner at Hibiscus - we arrived 20 minutes early so had a drink in the bar.  Graham plowed us with apps and desserts, so we just shared the Lamb Shank for our main course.  The food was amazing as always.  We then headed over to the Meyerson Symphony Center for their Christmas concert - it was excellent.

Lily and Boone
Margaret, Keith and Damon
On Sunday, we slept in a bit.  The family started showing up at about 11am - we got quite a bit of time to play with the kids and open gifts before our lunch of brisket, beans, potato salad, and then steamed pudding for dessert.  We then headed to the airport at 3pm to fly home and wrapped up 11 days on the road for Keith!

Lily, Keith and Boone
Lily and Josie 
Owen, Josie, Lily and Boone 
Lily's Picasso!