Sunday, April 28, 2019

Fuqua 20th Reunion NC - April 2019

Fuqua Class of '99
It's hard to believe that it has been 20 years since we graduated from Fuqua.  We went back to NC for reunion weekend and were so surprised that so many of our classmates made it - there were probably about 80 classmates there, including a large contingent from Central/South America!  The weekend was filled with activities and we were quite tired when we returned home.

We both flew in on Thursday night, coming in from separate places - Keith was out on the East Coast already for work.  JoAnna picked us up and brought us back to their place where we stayed for the weekend.  John was at a conference so we didn't see him until Sat morning.  Since we arrived so late, we went straight to bed.

Kate, Shawna, JoAnna - Fosters
Goofing around with the Artin girls
On Friday, Keith worked out of John's house and Shawna went into Cigna's Raleigh office for meetings there.  In the morning, Keith met up with Stephanie for breakfast at First Watch and Shawna met up with Lisa, a former BCBSNC colleague, for lunch at Crabtree Ale House where Shawna had a yummy greek salad.  After work, JoAnna drover us over to the Artin's house so that we could spend some time with the girls - we had some wine, cheese and crackers (thankfully, because we never ate anything else for the rest of the evening) and laughed as the girls caught us up on their lives!  We then Ubered with Keith over to the reception which was held at Wallace Wade Stadium.  They served drinks (which we had) and heavy appetizers (which we did not have).  We stopped over at JB Duke Hotel (where most people were staying) and had a few more drinks in the lobby.  We got to catch up with so many people that evening and made it past midnight!

Kim, Keith, Julie - Happy Hour at Julie's Bar
On Saturday, we met up with the Artins, John/Jo, and the Snarrs at WaDuke and walked around the golf course.  We had lunch at Fosters - trying all of our favorites including the coconut macaroons!  We then went over to Julie's bar - Bottle Rev in Chapel Hill - where several alumni stopped by for a drink.  That afternoon, we took a short nap and then cleaned up to return to Fuqua for the cocktail reception and dinner which was held at the school.  Dinner was a pretty large buffet which exceeded our expectations.  After dinner, we returned to JB Duke Hotel for more drinks in the lobby, this time staying up past 1am!

Keith, Shawna, John, JoAnna
Tom, Kim, Alicia, Mark, Julie, Jeremy, Shawna
On Sunday, we met up again with the Artins, John/Jo and the Snarrs at WaDuke for another walk and then back to Fosters for lunch.  We then said our farewells and returned to John's to watch the first two episodes of Game of Thrones.  We ordered sushi from Waraji which we ate at John's house and then went to the airport to catch our flight back home.