Sunday, December 5, 2021

Early Xmas in Texas - Dec 2021

Dinner at Elm and Good

Since we were going to Spain over Christmas, we made a quick trip down to TX to spend the weekend with Keith's family.  We arrived Friday night - Jean and Dick picked us up and then we picked up Lily at the bus station which is near the airport.  We had some cheese and wine (that we had bought for Keith's parents as a holiday gift) at the house before heading to bed.  

Dallas Arboretum

Saturday was a whirlwind day.  We went for a walk in the morning and then met with Peter and Michel for lunch at a sushi place.  It was great to catch up with them.  Shortly after we returned back to the house, we then left in two cars (we had to pick up Margaret and the kids) and went to the Dallas Arboretum to see the Christmas display.  In years past, we went to see this at night but we couldn't get tickets so we went in the daytime.  Right after this, we went to Graham's restaurant, Elm and Good, to have dinner where we shared a bunch of yummy starters - our favorite being the 'crab' cake made with mushrooms.  For our entree, we shared the Steak Diane and then we got a few desserts for the table.  Not surprisingly (since these are Graham's dishes), everything was very tasty.  Back at the house, we had another glass of wine and then went to bed.

On Sunday, we both had to leave mid-day as we were flying to different work locations - Keith going to San Diego and Shawna going to CT.  So that morning, we went for a walk, cleaned up and headed to the airport.  While the trip was quick, it was wonderful to spend time with everyone.