Sunday, September 11, 2011

Supper Club - Sept 2011

We were supposed to host "suppa club" on the weekend of the 24th, but a trip to San Francisco with Keith's work forced us to change the date at the last minute.  As a result, it was lightest attended supper club - with John, Joyce, Jonathan, Kim, and Keith/Shawna the only participants.  Jonathan mentioned he had never seen our house so empty!

The theme was Mediterranean.  John showed up with two types of hummus and pita.  The hummus was homemade and was excellent - one was super-spicy and the other was spicy with lemon.  The pita was store bought, but not for lack of John trying - unfortunately the draft version was a bit hard for his taste.

Our contribution (OK, let's be honest - Shawna's contribution) was moussaka and beef/pork kebabs.  Joyce brought a salad (along with grilled bread) and baklava.  Jonathan brought a delicious side dish (can't remember the name) as well as tzatziki.  He and Kim also brought a surprise dessert - baklava.  It was an incredibly happy surprise to have a double dose of baklava - and this meant that we could have a baklava taste-off.  Since Shawna, John, and Keith did not know who brought which, we were treated to 2 baklava each and had to decide which was the best.  Of course this required multiple tastings of each before anyone could make a decision.  Shawna and John agreed that the "diamond" shaped one was best, while Keith went for the triangle one.  We all came up with lots of reasons why, but the biggest shocker of all was that Keith voted for the smaller piece - very out of character!

The night ended with everyone taking home some of the leftovers - thank goodness or we'd gain 10 pounds this week just trying to get through what was left! 

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