Friday, October 21, 2011

Supper Club - Oct 2011

October was Julie's turn for Suppa Club.  The theme was Halloween, with most people wearing orange and black.  We arrived at Julie's to be served orange and black pasta, with plenty of wine at the ready.  This was a bit of a lighter one with a few people at other events, but we had a great time with Julie/Blake, Kim, Kate, Teresa/Brandon, and Steve/Amy.  We brought pork tenderloin with spicy marmalade, and others brought vegetarian lasagna, a chicken dish, cheeses & crackers, and a carrot souffle that was fantastic - it did not taste of carrots at all!  We also brought some homemade bread for John as he and Jo were too sick to make it (still recovering from Aruba).  One of the highlights was when Amy gave us all some of her Smart Socks (she owns the company) - very cool!  Once we put on the socks, we decided to have a sliding contest to see who could slide the furthest -- we knew the game needed to end when Julie fell - thankfully, she didn't break anything this time!

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