Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lunch with Dodds Clan - Jan 2012


Amber, Savannah and Carol
Ruth was in Denver visiting Guy and Carol in Longmont so we thought it would be a great time to have the whole Dodds clan over to the house for lunch.  So at noon Guy/Carol/Ruth/Amber/Savannah showed up.  Shawna prepared a a wonderful lunch of Pesto Tortellini, Cheese & Crackers, Spinach & Lentil Salad, and Tarragon Chicken.  After lunch Guy and Keith and the kids headed downstairs for two games of pool.  The teams were Guy/Amber vs. Keith/Savannah, with Keith & Savannah the proud winners of 2 out of 2 games (though they won b/c the others scratched putting in the 8 ball!).


Amber and Savannah

It was fun to catch up with the other Dodds contingent - hopefully we'll see them again soon and continue to plow the kids with too much caffeine!


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