Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mardi Gras - Feb 2012


Mardi Gras at Chez Dodds - Wash Park, CO
Well, we had done Mardi Gras in Raleigh for so many years, so we decided to do the same now that Denver is our new home.  Shawna had loaded up on a few extra decorations and her mother made us a new wreath to go on the front door.

For food we made the usual: Jambalaya, Shrimp Fettuccine, Hurricanes, and Bread Pudding.  Most of the people who came were either current or former Aimco employees - some whom we had not seen in quite some time so it was great to reconnect.

Cara Kicking Butt at Ping Pong
We started the evening with a Mardi Gras trivia game -- shockingly, not many people were in tune with Mardi Gras traditions.  We all chatted a bit, drank hurricanes and wine, and pigged out on cajun food.  After most of the guests left, a few of us retreated to the basement for more drinking while we played pool and ping pong.

Keith and Missy - the "Easter Twins"

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