Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving in LA - Nov 2012

This year we are to spend Thanksgiving in Louisiana and Christmas in Texas.  We considered meeting Shawna's mother for a spa weekend but decided that we needed to spend some time in LA helping with Shawna's grandmother's estate as well.

We took the direct Southwest Airlines flight to New Orleans on Wednesday night and stayed the night at the Fairfield Inn by the airport.  The flight was a bit late so we did not get settled in the hotel until 1am and then were up at 7am to drive up to Moreauville.  After a quick stop at the gas station for breakfast (yum!), we were on the road - taking about 2.5 hours to get there.  Nicole was already at the house with Harmony and Hayden, with Pat, Chet, and their son arriving shortly after we did.  In addition, Jim and Barbara as well as Jean, Ashley and Glenn all arrived for a delicious lunch of fried turkey (in hog fat, not that hippy-liberal peanut oil that we use!), brisket, and all the sides (corn bread dressing, eggplant casserole, corn casserole, and sweet potato casserole).  Everyone left mid-afternoon which allowed Keith to have a tryptophane-induced nap before relaxing in front of the TV that evening.

Friday was quite mellow - other than a two hour work out, we stopped by Jean and Ashley's and had a fun night out with Hope and Craig at the Red River Grill.  Hope is a friend of Shawna's from high school -- we had a great time catching up and reminiscing and we closed down the restaurant!

On Saturday, we worked out and then Shawna spent the rest of the day helping her mom go through her grandparents house, throwing stuff away and then sorting the rest into keep, donate or sell piles.  They made it most of the way through the house, leaving two rooms still to complete when we return again.  That evening we had an awesome gumbo and watched a movie.

On Sunday, we worked out and had leftover gumbo for lunch before we had to head back to New Orleans to fly back home.

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