Sunday, September 29, 2013

San Francisco - September 2013

Ria, Simran, Keith and Shawna - Hiking on Lands End Trail
 We are thinking about going to Singapore/Bali with Rak and Simran in Dec' 14 so we used the excuse to visit them in San Francisco for a weekend to do some trip planning.  Keith had found Tara, a friend from his Steak and Ale days, on Facebook and found that she and her husband Leix live in Sacramento.  So, Keith flew to Sacramento on the Thursday night and had dinner with them at Frank Fats downtown.  It was fantastic to catch up with Tara after almost a quarter century - and oddly enough her sister Krissy was in Denver the same weekend - so Keith was destined to see one of the sisters that weekend!

Tara and Keith
After dinner, Keith headed toward Marin and stayed the night in the Hilton Garden Inn in Fairfield.  The next day Keith went to a couple of his properties in the Bay area and then got to Rak and Sim's in the late afternoon.  Shawna flew in directly from Hartford while Rak was coming in from Boston, so we were all at the house by about 8pm.  Sim's parents are in the US at the moment (they are looking to move to the states) so the Friday night cuisine was delicious homemade Indian - amazing!

The first event of the day on Saturday was a hike on Lands End trail in Golden Gate National Park where we walked to the Cliff House.  It was a relatively easy walk and a gorgeous day with great views of the bridge.  Following the walk, we headed over the bridge to Pelican Inn, an old British-style pub in Muir Beach.  Rak had been there many times when he was younger - mountain biking there and back.  We had a delicious shared lunch of Salad, Mussels, and Fish and Chips.  After lunch, we went back to the house for a nap, before heading out to see Babe which was playing at Film in the Fog in the Presidio.  However, Ria had not napped at the same time as we did, so she did not make it through the movie.  So, we headed home, dropped her off with Sim's parents, and then the four of us had an awesome dinner at Roku

Keith Torturing Ria with a Hug!
House of Air
On Sunday morning, we got up and went to House of Air, an indoor trampoline park.  Shawna thought it was a brilliant business idea and had some immediate dreams of opening her own in Denver! Keith, Rak, and Ria played a lot of trampoline dodge ball and were almost able to hold their own with the ten year olds playing!  Following that, we headed over to the Ferry Terminal for a walk around as well as lunch, where Sim's parents met us - then we separated with them taking Ria to basketball.  On the way home, Shawna and Sim went to Folsom Street for some shopping, while Keith and Rak were old men and went for another nap.  We closed out the weekend with everyone on the balcony with wine and cheese before we headed to the airport to go home.

We never really got to do much trip planning for Bali but as usual we had a great time visiting!

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