Sunday, November 23, 2014

Texas - Nov 2014

Keith with Owen, Lily, Margaret and Josie
Shawna had a girls weekend in Ojai so Keith decided to use some Southwest points to fly to Texas for two days - his first Denver-Dallas try on America's best airline!  The flight was Saturday am so after my parents picked me up we headed for lunch at Breadwinners.  There was a 30 minute wait so we had a coffee in the waiting area and then sat down for brunch.  Following brunch we headed back to the house for an afternoon of sorting through Dad's slides so we could scan them all.  We made good progress before showering and heading to Truluck's for dinner where Margaret joined us.  It was a delicious dinner where I had a wedge salad, fantastic filet, and sweet potato fries.  It was straight to bed after dinner as it had been early up in the morning.

Keith and Boone
Sunday am we spent wrapping up the slides - ending up with about 12,000 total to send off to Scan Cafe in India.  It was a good effort - about 20 total hours between dad and I to knock them all out.  We had to scramble to leave at 12:15 so we could meet the rest of the family at CBD Provisions at the Joule.  Graham, Audrey, Lily, Boone, Margaret, Owen, and Josie all met us for a couple of hours before we had to head to the airport so I could head home - less than 3 hours after arriving!

Boone, Lily, Josie and Owen

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