Sunday, June 14, 2015

Texas (Michael's First Communion) - June 2015

Dodds Family
Our godson, Michael, was having his first communion so we went to Texas for the weekend to join in the festivities as well as to pay out our IOU birthday dinner for Keith's dad.  Shawna flew in from Florida on Thursday night (she was there for a conference) and worked from Keith's parent's house on Friday.  Keith flew in Friday early evening - we picked him up and went to dinner in Dallas at Casa Rubia which was very yummy.  We shared several small plates, including the cheese and charcuterie tasting plate, clams, pork ribs, maitake mushrooms, shrimp and lamb.


On Saturday, we slept in and then Keith and his parents watched over 9K slides that Dick had scanned from their childhood.  It took them over 3 hours to watch them.  Shawna watched some of it but worked for most of it to catch up (she joked if working or watching slides was worse!).  We went to Orange Theory which is only a couple of miles from Keith's parent's house and then had some bread and cheese for lunch.

That evening, we stopped by Hibiscus to see Graham for a few minutes.  He gave us a wonderful birthday gift of cheese, honey, quince and wine which we took home with us.  After visiting with Graham, we celebrated a belated birthday dinner for Dick at Gemma which is owned by a couple who had owned Press in Napa (we had dined there when we were in Napa for Dick's 70th birthday) and which won best restaurant in Dallas.  The food was quite tasty.  We shared salmon tartare, oysters, mussels and goat ricotta for appetizers for the table and then Keith and Shawna shared the rabbit pappardelle for an entree.

On Sunday, we went to church to attend Michael's first communion and then joined everyone at Peter and Jen's house for lunch and a pool party.  Peter grilled various meats, shrimp and veggies which were all tasty.  Margaret brought the kids who had a blast climbing all over Keith in the pool.  Keith was quite exhausted so we took a brief nap back at Keith's parent's house  before we headed to the airport to fly home.

Shawna, Keith, Michael, Peter and Jen

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