Sunday, February 21, 2016

Miami - February 2016

South Beach Miami
Keith had a conference in Miami so we decided to make a weekend of it.  Since we have SWA companion pass, Shawna few with Keith and his work colleagues on the Wednesday night.  We rented our own car to get from Fort Lauderdale airport to the Trump Doral, the site of the 2-day conference.  Shawna was able to work out of the room for the Thursday / Friday as Keith was at meetings - though she did venture out and crashed the Thursday night dinner at the pool.

Pool at the 1 Hotel
Keith wrapped up his meetings at 2pm and Shawna had to leave the room after checkout so we went over to our South Beach hotel for the weekend: the 1 Hotel.  We had chosen it for the pool area, and it did not disappoint.  We discovered that the hotel was formerly the Gansevoort which we have visited before.  Dinner on Friday was at Pubbelly.  The food was incredibly tasty (tapas) - we shared the crude, pork belly, brussels sprouts, stone crab fettuccini, and conchinillo.

Beach View from Hotel
On Saturday Keith ran down to the cafe and brought back yogurt and coffee before we went for a walk up the boardwalk for an hour.  The rest of the day consisted of relaxing in our rented cabana (#2) and reading.  It was a bit cloudy which was good - no sunburns.  Dinner the Saturday night was at The Bazaar - another high-end tapas restaurant - food was very good.

Our Cabana - Home for 2 Days!
Sunday was a copy/paste of Saturday - breakfast, walk (this time to the south), then the day relaxing in the cabana at the pool reading.  Our flight was not until 6:30pm so we were able to get almost the whole day at the pool again.

Stroll on the Beach
We definitely should do this once a year! It was a nice reprieve from the winter!

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