Sunday, July 31, 2016

Weekend at Possum Kingdom Lake - July 2016

Dodds Clan and Frank at Possum Kingdom Lake
Shawna had a girls weekend in Jackson Hole that sadly Keith was not invited to.  So, Keith used the opportunity to "keep in the will" and headed to Texas for the weekend.

Margaret and Keith
He flew in from Spokane after touring that area for work during the week.  The Southwest flight was delayed almost two hours, so Dick used that opportunity to make fun of our favorite airline!  It was immediately to bed and then up at 7am so we could head to the lake.  We picked up Frank along the way and then stopped at Market Street in Fort Forth to pick up baguettes.  It was fun passing through Palo Pinto and seeing the exit for Worth Ranch.  We arrived at Possum Kingdom at about 10am, with Margaret and the kids (Owen, Josie, and Lily) having arrived about ten minutes prior.

Keith and the Kids
It was fun being back at the lake - it had been a few years since Keith had been there.  We unloaded the car and quickly walked down to the lake to jump in.  The rest of the day was spent in the water; jumping from the dock, swimming back and forth to "spider island" three times (spider island is a floating dock just off shore from a house across the slough).  We also used a couple of floats combined on the dock to turn them into a slip-n-slide that enabled us to slide into the water.  Lunch was cheese and bread and dinner was pork tenderloin.  Amy then arrived to pick up Lily who needed to go to her grandparents - Keith was able to chat with Amy who he had not seen in many years.  We wrapped up the day with wine on the back patio before driving home.  For the way home, Keith joined Margaret's car and all stopped by Dairy Queen in Mineral Wells.

Owen, Josie and Lily
Keith slept in on Sunday - the blackout curtains really helped.  He did some work before we all drove to Dallas for brunch at Wayward Sons - it was Keith's first time to eat there for a brunch.  The food was delicious and Graham was able to chat with us a bit.  The afternoon was spent sending save-the-date emails to everyone for the 50th anniversary event in Scotland next summer.  Before heading to the airport, Keith went to see Peter and Jordan (Jen and Michael were not around) and chatted for an hour.  Jordan reminded Keith that she would be visiting us in Scottsdale next year!

Dick took Keith to the airport for his flight back to Phoenix. 

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