Sunday, March 12, 2017

Cabo - March 2017

Hacienda Encantada
For our annual beach trip with John and JoAnna, we decided to return to our time share in Cabo San Lucas.  We had not been there since we bought into the time share four years ago.  Of course, we knew what this meant - sign up for an 'upgrade' pitch and hope to hell we say no this time!

View from Hotel
Since the flight was rather long for John and Jo coming from NC, they opted to break up the trip by flying into Phoenix and staying with us the Friday night before the trip and the Saturday night when we returned.  On both of these nights, we opted to eat at our house rather than go out.

Hacienda Encantada - We upgraded to a two bedroom suite which turned out to cost us about double our normal rate.  We were able to get a room in Phase 1 which overlooks the ocean and the infinity pool - great views.  Since we had last been here, the resort added a Phase 3 building (which consisted of two bedroom suites), some villas and several new restaurants.  They had not yet built out the new spa/gym as we were told they would do four years ago.

Pool at Hacienda Encantada
We got into Cabo on Saturday - both arriving within an hour from one another.  As usual, the immigration and customs line was very long - took close to two hours to get through it.  However, once we got through, it was not hard to find John and JoAnna who were enjoying a beer at the one and only airport bar!  John had prearranged a cab so we hopped in together and got to the resort around 4pm.  The cab stopped at a grocery store for us so we can load up on beer and breakfast items!

Daily Activity
John had signed us up to listen to the 'upgrade' pitch on Sunday - we all had to go to get the $100 resort credit they were offering so reluctantly JoAnna and I joined.  We were glad we went as we got a free lunch out of it, the $100 credit which we used for dinner one night and a funny story to go through the pitch - this time we said no but it was hard to pass it up as they made it sound like an offer we could not refuse.  The pitch involved them telling us that 'time shares' are a thing of the past and they were now offering a 'private residence club' - the only difference that appeared to us is that it cost more money and we get discounts on golf and a yacht!  Somehow if we paid more money now, we could turn in our weeks and get money back each year, making double our investment in 10 years.  If it weren't for the Lloyds bond that we signed up for when we first purchased the time share, we may have caved in but we were concerned that this upgrade would somehow 'null and void' the bond so we in fact declined.  So I guess now we can say that we are able to say 'no' to these pitches!

Dinner at Barolo
For most of the trip, we hardly left the resort and opted to enjoy the amenities - our days consisted of: going for a walk around 7am, sitting at the pool (either the infinity pool outside our building which was often tough to get chairs or the Phase 3 pool which had more comfortable chairs), eating lunch at the pool, enjoying happy hour in the pool, and returning to our room to clean up and play cards before dinner.  It was very relaxing and we had great weather the entire time - albeit it was a bit chilly at times when the wind was blowing!

View from Beach Chairs
For the few times we did leave the resort, we did the following activities:

Swimming with Whale Sharks with Cabo Adventures - They picked us up at the hotel in the morning and transported us to the office in downtown Cabo where we boarded another bus to La Paz where the activity was held.  When we got to La Paz, we suited up in wet suits (a sign for the cold to come) and then boarded a small boat that held 8 guests plus the guide and driver.  We then sought out to find the whale sharks - we found one and were able to hop in and swim with it twice!  Both times, the swim went by quickly (probably less than 5 minutes) and it was awesome - we were right next to the whale shark and could have touched it if we tried!  While the water was not too cold, it was cold sitting in the boat as we drove around.  Back at shore, we had a buffet lunch which consisted of salads, fish tacos and quesadillas and of course beer.  On the way back, we stopped in Todos Santos for about 30 minutes where we walked around the Hotel California (loosely associated with the song) and a few of the shops in town.

Swimming with Whale Sharks
Food Walking Tour in Cabo with Juan More Tacos - This is a great three hour walking tour of downtown Cabo where you learn a bit about the history of Mexico and Cabo and get to taste yummy tacos from various local stands.  We went to 8 different places trying tacos, tequila, churros and Mexican ice cream.  We were quite stuffed at the end and enjoyed every stop. Our guide was Issi who is the owner's father - he was quite entertaining and informative.  We ended the tour with a beer at Baja Brewing before heading back to the hotel.

Shawna Making Tacos
With the exception of two lunches during the activities mentioned above, we had all of our meals at the resort.  We had breakfast in our room most mornings, eating yogurt and trying to save our calories for later in the day.

Las Marias - Had the breakfast buffet here two mornings. Great omelettes!

La Trajinera - Had dinner here once.  Shared the queso fundido for the table (very yummy) and then the corn sopes for an appetizer and the flank steak for an entree.

El Patio - Ordered lunch here once and ate it at the pool - got some sushi and ceviche which was OK but not great.

Los Riscos Mesquite Grill - Had dinner here the first night.  Great views.  Shared a shrimp appetizer and red snapper fillet for entree - food was yummy.

El Eden - Had dinner here twice - it's the tacos and tequila bar.  We shared the queso fundido and the El Hacendado (a mixed grill that we ate with tortillas) both times - very tasty!

Barolo Cucina Italiano - We had dinner here twice as well.  Food was quite good.  We shared the tomato/mozz salad and sea bass one night and the arugula salad and lasagna the next night.

Il Forno - Ordered pizza here twice for lunch and ate at the pool - both times we shared the arugula and prosciutto pizza.  Very good!