Sunday, March 26, 2017

Bob and Ginny Visit - March 2017


Pinnacle Peak Hike
This weekend was Part Three of Team Phoenix visiting: Peter in January, Jordan last week, and now Bob and Ginny.  Not to mention Jim and Maryann last fall!  Bob and Ginny were in Sedona for a week at the Hyatt as part of their timeshare - they had visited a decade earlier and loved the place.  So they tacked on a couple of extra days and stayed with us at the end of their trip.

They did not arrive until Saturday afternoon, which actually enabled us to get a heap of work stuff done before they came.  Since Shawna was cooking that night, we never actually left the house: just chatted until dinner time and then called it a night at about 9pm.

Sunday was a bit more active.  After breakfast we went to Pinnacle Peak for a walk.  We were able to make about 1.25 miles out, then turned around so we got a decent hike in.  It was already getting warmer, but the desert flower colors were gorgeous.  We went back to the house for lunch (a simple salad on the patio), then Bob and Ginny went to Taliesin West themselves since we have already been.  They came back in time for a shower before we left for an early dinner at Talavera, the restaurant at the Four Seasons.  It was a delicious dinner.  

Keith had a flight out very early Monday morning, then Bob and Ginny left shortly after that.

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