Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sedona - March 2019

Cathedral Rock
Keith's parents had a hotel credit in Sedona from a trip they were going to make to see us last year - which was trumped by Keith needing to head to Charlie's "stag do" in Oxford last year.  With the credit still available, we decided to make a short weekend of it before the weather gets too warm.

We left the Saturday morning at about 9:15am - which was perfect timing to get us to The Hudson by 11:15am so we could stand in line and get a table when it opened at 11:30am.  Lunch was delicious as always: we started with the pretzels and cheese and a couple of beers, with two delicious salads as our main courses: the chopped and the steak and blue, with the latter definitely the best.  Before leaving, we made a reservation for 2 weekends in the future when Ginger and Michael will be in town. 

Lunch at the Hudson
The first hike of the weekend was Broken Arrow to Chicken Point and back - this is the same area as we have taken multiple Pink Jeep rides - it was kind of fun to do the walk - and a heck of a lot cheaper!

Broken Arrow Trail
We then checked in to the hotel - Las Posadas in the town of Oak Creek.  After showering and a very brief nap, we departed to L'Auberge which is at the bottom of the hill downtown.  We intentionally arrived early so we could have a couple of drinks at the bar before starting dinner.  The dinner was in the restaurant Cress.  Dinner was excellent - we started with a bottle of Albarino, with "Sedona's Rainbow Farm Trout Tartare" and "12hrs Duck Confit Rolls" to start, "Slowly Roasted Lamb Loin" and "Blue Steel Roasted Beef Filet" for main, and for dessert we had "Pistachio Dewdrop" and "Another Way to Taste Cheese…".

Dinner at Oak Creek
Sunday morning, we ate at the hotel - it was quite good with egg and bacon.  We packed up the car and hiked around Cathedral Rock - starting at Yavapai Vista and hiking Easy Breezy out and Templeton returning (Templeton trail was great as you could see Cathedral, Bell and Courthouse Rocks quite well).  That was a four mile hike.  We then dropped the top of the Audi and drove home to wrap up a great weekend!

Templeton Trail

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