Monday, January 20, 2020

San Francisco / Point Reyes CA - Jan 2020

Shawna, Keith and Ria
Rakesh turned 50 in January and we were told he didn't want to celebrate so we went to CA to 'not celebrate' his birthday!  Shawna went out there early, arriving on Monday night, and worked out of their house for the week.  Keith arrived on Tuesday evening late as he had some properties to visit and he stayed downtown.  He joined Shawna at Rak and Sim's place Thursday evening, first stopping to pick up Ria at her basketball game.  We ordered in ramen that evening and hung out.

Rak and Sim
On Friday, Rak and Simran left mid-morning and then Shawna left at noon to pick up Ria and meet Keith at Souvla for lunch where we had yummy salads with lamb.  We then drove up to Point Reyes and met Rak and Sim at the house there.  We had rented this house a year ago and really enjoyed it so decided to rent it again.  After relaxing and getting settled in, we drove to Point Reyes for dinner at Stelina where we shared ceviche, mussels and pasta.

House Rental - Strauss Farms Ranch
On Saturday, we had a light breakfast at the house and then went to Tony's for lunch where we had the clam chowder and mussels - yummy!  We then drove into town and met up with Simran's friends, Rachel, Pierre and their son Emilio.  We went over to Limontour Beach and walked around for a couple of hours and then returned to the house for a quick nap.  That evening, Rachel and her family came to the house and they made fondue - so we ate a lot of bread and cheese for dinner - it was yummy but our tummies were quite angry with us the next morning!

Limontour Beach
On Sunday, we had breakfast at the house and then drove into town again to walk around.  We grabbed lunch at Stelina - this time sharing a salad and soup.  Simran's parents joined us at the tail end of lunch and then we drove back to the house to relax.  That afternoon, we all went over to Bodega Bay for the crab feed, which is a fundraiser they do in town.  We had the 3pm seating and you are allocated 1.5 hours before they kick you out for the next seating.  We started with a salad and bread which we really didn't eat and then they bring out bowls of cold and hot crab - the cold was made with vinegar and herbs and the hot was made with marinara sauce.  We ate all we could and then they served us ice cream.  That evening, another set of friends joined us at the house and we relaxed, drank wine and ate a big salad that Rakesh made - he was craving crunchy vegetables after the meals we had over the past couple of days!

On Monday, our flights were at 1pm so after having breakfast and packing up, we hitched a ride with one of Simran's friends who dropped us off at the airport.  Keith flew to Orlando for work and Shawna returned to Chicago.  Another great weekend - even if we weren't 'celebrating' anything!

Crab Feast

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