Sunday, July 12, 2020

Girls Weekend with Eva Galena, IL - July 2020

Shawna and Eva - Galena IL

While Keith remained in TX for one more weekend to spend time with his family, Shawna did a girls weekend with Eva, a colleague that Shawna works with at Cigna.  We spent the weekend in Galena, IL which is a very cute town half way between our houses and is about a three hour drive from Chicago.  We stayed at The Goldmoor which is a nice inn located about 10 minutes outside of Galena.  Shawna stayed in one of the cabins while Eva was in a room in the main lodge.  Shawna arrived around 6pm on Friday evening and after cleaning up, we went into town and had dinner at Fried Green Tomatoes which was a nice restaurant with a mixed menu - Shawna had a fish dish which was tasty.  After dinner, we went back to the hotel and drank wine on the Adirondack chairs that overlooked the river (turns out that Shawna got bitten pretty badly by bugs - did not notice it at the time but definitely felt it the next day!).  

Goldmoor Inn

On Saturday, we went for a two hour walk along the river and then cleaned up at the hotel.  We had an early lunch at Victory Cafe and then walked around town after which we relaxed at the hotel.  In the afternoon, we went wine tasting at Fergedaboudit where we sat outside and listened to music - the wine was better than we expected. We then went to see the outside sculptures at West Street Sculpture Park and had some laughs at not only the junk turned into sculptures but also the descriptions that went along with each! That evening, we had an early dinner at Vinny Vanucchis which had yummy Italian. We then went back to the hotel for the rest of the evening where we drank the rest of the wine (three bottles - yikes) and played a question game that Eva brought - due to our long winded answers (and side stories), we only made it through six questions!

West Street Sculpture Park

Not surprisingly, due to our wine drinking the night before, we moved a bit slowly on Sunday.  In the morning, we did a one hour walk with goats with HoofIt - it was fun and the walking was definitely the right pace for a hangover! We went back to the hotel to clean up and pack and then went into town and had much needed burgers for lunch at Paradise Bar & Grill.  After lunch, we parted ways and drove back to our respective homes.  It was a great weekend - so much fun talking, laughing and exploring a new part of IL!

Goat Walk

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