Sunday, April 10, 2022

Chris and Steve Visit to Chicago - April 2022


At Lottie's

Chris and Steve and the kids came to Chicago to see her babysitter, who is in college at Northwestern, play lacrosse.  They arrived Thursday night - Shawna picked them up at ORD and then once home, we had cheese, crackers and lots of wine while the kids had Chipotle that Keith had picked up for them.  After Keith went to bed, the neon lights of Lottie's was calling our name so the three of us went there for one beer.  We didn't get to bed to sometime well past midnight - such a fun night!

Lacrosse game at Northwestern

On Friday, Keith left for Boston to see Steve Bullock who was there for the marathon.  Chris and Steve took our car and they went to a museum and then headed up to Evanston where they stayed for the rest of the weekend.  On Saturday, Shawna met up with them at their hotel and then went to the lacrosse game which was quite fun to watch - Northwestern won against Johns Hopkins.  Afterwards, we went to a restaurant that the team had reserved for a private party and had a few beers and snacks.  We then went back to their hotel and had a few drinks in the lobby bar. We were invited to the lacrosse house parts so we stopped by for a few minutes but quickly realized that we were too old for that scene.  So, we had dinner at one of the restaurants in Evanston and then went back to the hotel for a few more drinks. Shawna stopped drinking early as she had to drive the car back to the house so shortly after midnight, she said her goodbyes.  It was so great to hang out with them!

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