Monday, June 20, 2022

Ruth Celebration of Life in CO & San Diego with Patrick - June 2022

Keith and Patrick

After returning from Italy, Keith had Ruth's Celebration of Life in Colorado and then a trip to San Diego for a conference preceded by a couple of days with Patrick.

In order to make the Celebration of Life, Keith's flight took off from ORD at 5am.  Fortunately, he was just wrapping up getting over the jetlag from the Italy trip.  After landing in Denver he took the hotel shuttle to the La Quinta where Jean and Dick had stayed the night before.  There were no rooms available for check-in, so Keith met his parents in their room to do a bit of work and shower to fully wake up.  It was then about an hour's drive to Guy and Carol's place in Longmont, where the family was already assembled when we arrived.  In addition to Guy, Carol, Amber, and Savannah; Claire and Cheryl were also there, along with some of Carol's side of the family.

Dodds Clan at Ruths' Celebration of Life

We made our way to the park near Guy/Carol's house where a tent was set up for the ceremony.  There were about 40 attendees, many of whom were from the neighborhood.  Many people spoke at the ceremony, with Dick giving the eulogy.  Food and drinks were served, with a few people heading back to the house for some photo memories of Ruth.  

Jean, Dick, and Keith then drove to Boulder for dinner at Frasca in celebration of Father's Day.  It was the best Italian food they had had in a month - and had just been in Italy!  It was then an hour or so back to the La Quinta for sleep before getting up the next morning for ~8am flights - Jean and Dick to Dallas and Keith to San Diego.

Keith landed in San Diego at 9am and then took a taxi to Patrick and Lauren's house.  Because it was Father's Day then had lunch plans, which worked perfectly for Keith so he could use a few hours to knock out some work.  When they returned, Keith and Patrick headed out to a brewery, then went to dinner at a place near their house.

Keith and Patrick

The next day (Monday, a day off work for Juneteenth) Keith and Patrick embarked on a 15-mile hike in the Cleveland National Forest.  The hike started at Penny Pines Trailhead, following Pacific Crest at Garnet Peak, Pine Mountain Trail, Indian Creek Trail, and Nobel Canyon Trail.  Funny enough, the 15-mile 5-hour hike turned into a 20-mile 6.5-hour hike after they followed Patrick's muscle memory of the trail!  Those extra 5 miles put some blisters on Keith's feet, but also made the two beers at the end ever tastier!  Keith and Patrick were walking a bit funny for the next few days, but it was worth it.  After returning to the house, Keith packed up and headed to the US Grant hotel where he'd spend the rest of the week at a conference before flying home on Friday night.  

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