Sunday, November 12, 2023

Chicago - Nov 2023

Shawna needed to return to Chicago to attend the annual board retreat for Women Employed so we decided to make a weekend of it and catch up with folks.  Since Keith was still in a boot from his surgery, we had to get wheelchair assistance at the airport which he was not a fan of but it did allow us to board first!!  We arrived in Chicago Friday afternoon and stayed for two nights at David's (colleague of Keith's from LivCor) apartment downtown.  The apartment is really nice with great views of the river below.

Kicking back in a wheelchair!

After getting settled in, we had drinks with David in his apartment and then went to dinner with him and another LivCor colleague, Ashley, at Roka Akor where we shared a ton of yummy food for the table.  After dinner, we had a few more drinks at another restaurant nearby and then headed back to David's place to crash.

Dinner with David and Ashley at Roka Akor

On Saturday, Shawna attended her meeting all day while Keith relaxed and had lunch with David.  That evening, we went to dinner with Kara and Ansley at La Josie where we had guacamole for the table and shared the flank steak entree which was very tasty.  We arrived a little early so the two of us had a drink at the bar.

Shawna on the way to the board meeting

The next morning, we headed to the airport after a cup of coffee and showering, arriving back in Dallas around 1:30 - Dick picked us up in our car so that we didn't have to deal with walking to the parking lot!

It was a quick trip but a great one, especially nice to catch up with friends and that the weather was quite nice!!

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