Sunday, September 22, 2024

Texas and Louisiana - Sept 2024

After being out of the country for four months, we returned 'home' to spend some time with family and friends in TX and LA.  Keith's parents were not home when we arrived. We first went to TX for two days to unpack, do laundry and take care of some personal items before heading to LA for seven nights.  We then returned to TX for four nights before beginning our West Coast road trip. Since we had been quite glutinous over the past four months, we also took this time to start getting back into shape!


We spent a week at Shawna's mom's house.  While here, we caught up with the following people:

  • Dinner with Hunter and Nicole at Broken Wheel Brewery.  We shared the crab appetizer and a fish special (red fish stuffed with crab and crawfish).  As usual, the food was tasty.
Dinner at Broken Wheel with Hunter and Nicole
  • Lunch with Ms Betty and her daughter Jamie (and Jamie's two daughters) at Broke Wheel Brewery.  They drove in from Churchpoint and met us at the restaurant.  We had salads (seafood salad and salmon salad) which were quite good.  After lunch, they came over to the house to visit for a bit.
Lunch with Ms Betty and Jamie and her family

Shawna also took her mom to the doctor in Lafayette one day and while there we went to see Hunter at the hospital.  The day before this, Nicole went into the hospital in Marksville thinking she had a gallbladder issues - turns out, she was having a heart attack.  They flew her via helicopter to the hospital in Lafayette where she immediately went into bypass surgery.  When we went the next day, she was still not closed up and was sedated so we just visited a while with Hunter.

The rest of the trip was working out, cooking and catching up on admin stuff.


When we were in TX the first time before we went to LA, we went to see Owen play tennis - doubles match which he won and then had dinner with Margaret at Bread Zeppelin, a salad place. 

At Owen's Tennis Match

When we returned to TX, we caught up with the following people:

  • Dinner with Peter at Hoshi Ramen - We each got a bowl of ramen which was pretty good.
  • Dinner with Margaret, Jean and Dick at Acquario Italian Seafood - great restaurant about 15 min from the house.  We shared the meatball appetizer and dover sole in lemon sauce for our entree.
Dinner with Jean, Dick and Margaret at Acquario
  • Visit with Bob and Ginny (Peter's parents) at their house.  Jordan also stopped by.
  • Dinner with Lily, Jean and Dick at the house - Shawna made pork tenderloin, couscous and asparagus.
  • Walk around White Rock lake with Rebecca.
Walk with Rebecca - White Rock Lake

The rest of the time was more working out and admin as well as packing for our West Coast road trip.


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