Sunday, August 4, 2013

Long Island - August 2013

Shawna was on the East Coast for work and took the opportunity to visit her friend Chris for the weekend in Oakdale (on Long Island) as Chris was at her bungalow in Oakdale for the summer.  It was a girls (and kids) weekend - Keith went to Texas for a scout reunion and Steve (Chris' husband) was down in the Keys working.

Edie at 5 Months!
Shawna flew into Islip on Friday evening - Chris picked her up and we drove out to Garden City to meet up with two of Chris' high school friends (Nora and Pam) for dinner.  We had an awesome Italian meal at La Nonna Bella.  Shawna knew her two friends from the wedding so it was great to catch up and see pictures of all of their kids.  We drove back to Chris' bungalow and stayed up until 2am chatting and laughing.  We paid for this the next day as we were both very tired!

Nate at 3.5 Years Old!
On Saturday morning, we relaxed at the bungalow and played with Chris' two kids - Nate who is now 3.5 years old and talks up a storm and Edie who is 5 months old and is just so smiley and adorable!  We were able to pawn off Nate to Lisa (Chris' sister in-law) and we went into Sayville with Edie to grab lunch at Five Points Cafe.  We had to wait about 30 minutes for a table so we walked around and went into a few shops.  When we got back to the bungalow, Shawna and the kids napped while Chris cleaned.  We then went over to her siblings house to say hello to everyone and then Chris got a babysitter so that we could go out to dinner in Sayville.  We went to the carnival for a few minutes but then bagged that and opted to sit out on the porch at La Tavola to have a few drinks and appetizers.  We were both still full from lunch so we only nibbled on a few items.  Back at the bungalow, we stayed up until 1am chatting with one of Chris' neighbors and then crashed.

We did not do too much on Sunday as Shawna had to leave early.  Chris drove her to the airport but then Shawna's flight was delayed by 3.5 hours, causing Shawna and Keith to miss the Indigo Girls concert they had planned on Sunday evening.

While the trip was short, it was awesome to catch up with Chris and laugh about old times!

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