Sunday, August 4, 2013

Troop 340 Reunion - August 2013

Keith's old Scout Troop 340 decided to have a reunion weekend so we both separated for the weekend, with Shawna heading to Long Island to see Chris and Keith to Texas for the reunion.  We were both on the road the week before (Shawna in Hartford and Keith in DC).

Keith, Josie, and Owen at Six Flags
Keith flew from Baltimore early Friday morning, first heading to Plano to see a property and also meet with a software vendor.  Following lunch he headed to Six Flags, where Margaret, Owen, and Josie were spending the day.  Keith had not been to Six Flags in probably 25 years or more.  After paying the exorbitant parking fee of $20 and admission of $50, Keith met Margaret and the kids for a couple of hours of rides - including the Judge Roy Scream and the Mini Mine Train.  It was crazy hot - 104 degrees plus humidity - but the kids kept going like troopers.

After three hours at the park Margaret called it a day - so Keith then headed to Dallas to see Graham at Central 214.  Graham was hoping to make the reunion but since he was missing a sous chef he had to bag the trip.  After a quick dinner of a salad Keith started the three hour drive to the cabin.

Caddo Lake
The reunion was held in Uncertain, TX - so named because the original surveyors were uncertain if it was in Texas or Louisiana.  The town has a a population of 94 according to the sign and sits on Caddo Lake, one of the the only natural lakes in Texas.  It was a small but motley crew: Gary, Clif, Bobby, Lee, Clark, and Keith were able to make it.  Clif arranged a cabin with a/c for the weekend, and given the crazy temperatures and high humidity it was a great call.  The cabin was at 161 North Mossy Brake Road, in the Gallery and the Rookery.  The cabin had 3 rooms downstairs plus a lot of sleeping space upstairs.  You could tell this was a reunion of Texas boys once four differnet handguns were put aside on the table!  We all stayed up until 2am chatting on the Friday night - later than most ever really stay up now all are in our 40s.
Lee, Gary, Clif, and Keith at the boat dock

Saturday was more relaxing and catching up - we ventured out of the house only twice: once to see the lake and then to head to dinner at RiverBend restaurant - a surprisingly busy place on a Saturday night.  We headed to bed at about midnight which was great for Keith as he had to get up at 6am for the 3 hour drive back to DFW airport. 

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