Sunday, October 18, 2015

New Jersey - October 2015

While we were in transition between the Denver and Baltimore houses, we were living on the ground floor of the Baltimore house on a four-inch foam mattress.  We thought it would be more fun to get away for weekends so we headed up to New Jersey to see Kim and Tom and the kids.

We drove out on the Saturday morning in the Audi (sadly too cold for convertible) and made it to their place in about 2:45 - a pretty easy trip with little traffic.  When we arrived at the house, only Kaley and Kim were home - Tom was wrapping up a round of golf.  We chatted with Kaley for 15 mins while Kim was getting ready - then headed out to lunch at Food in Summit with Kim.  We then learned what suburban parenthood was all about by shuttling kids back and forth to their sports events - we were exhausted and suggested that Kim might have vodka in her Starbucks tea that is always at her side!  After that exhausting afternoon, we unwound with some beers on the patio before Danelle showed up.  We then all got ready for dinner and went to Serenade for a delicious meal.  

We all went to bed after dinner, with Danelle staying the night as well.  Breakfast was Starbucks and bagels before we drove Danelle to the station - then we drove back to Baltimore.  

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