Sunday, October 25, 2015

Raleigh Suppa Club - Oct 2015

The weekend after a short trip to New Jersey, we hopped on a flight to Raleigh - being on the East coast again makes it really easy to see our friends here!  Shawna had been in Hartford so she got a connection through BWI and Keith met her for the second leg of that journey.  John picked us up at the airport and we just went back to his place for a beer since it was late.

On Saturday, Keith needed to visit a potential acquisition for his company.  He gave Jo a ride to work and then spent the morning looking at apartments while Shawna caught up on some work at the house.  We then met back at the house and walked to First Watch on Glenwood for lunch.  The evening was an Olive Garden themed Suppa Club - this one with low attendance since quite a few people were out of town.  We did get to see Phil, Kim, Brandon, Teresa, and John/Jo and had a really fun night catching up.

One Sunday, we went for a couple of walks - first around the neighborhood and then around Lake Lynn before heading to see The Martian.  We then hopped on the short flight back to Baltimore.

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