Sunday, June 5, 2016

Cambodia Fundraiser in Denver - June 2016

Anu, Kristina, Shawna, Jodi and Ali
After the success of the EYC fundraiser last year, we held the event again this year in Denver at Kristina's house.

We both flew in from Baltimore on the Thursday night - right after Keith had flown back to BWI that morning after being on the road for a couple of weeks.  The flight went quickly as we used it to watch the first season of Entourage which we found super funny.  The flight was an hour late so we did not get to Chez Kristina until 11pm.  It was straight to bed since Shawna had calls starting at 6:30am and Keith had a breakfast date with Jacqui at Devils Food at 7:15am.

It was a fun morning because Keith formally accepted the job in Scottsdale so he sent a few emails out to let people know.  Shawna wrapped up work in the early afternoon so we were able to do a lap around Wash Park which was absolutely stunning.  We helped Kristina a bit with prep and then drank the bottle of wine that Jodi had given to Kristina after last year's fundraiser.  It was then a quick shower before Ubering to meet Cara, Chad, and Sarah for dinner at Linger.  We all met on the rooftop for a couple of cocktails before we sat at 8pm.  Dinner was delicious as always - we had pork belly buns, Mongolian duck buns, masala dosa, Vietnamese crepe, potstickers, shishito peppers and Moroccan lamb kebabs. The waiter had suggested we only get 4 dishes but since we could not narrow it down, we got 7 dishes instead.  We finished them all with no problem along with two bottles of wine!  After dinner, we stopped by Sarah's house to see Shikes and their new home and to have a piece of Sarah's birthday cake.  Keith proceeded to fall asleep on the sofa and snore while the rest of us munched down on cake!

Anu, Ali and Jodi
We both woke up Saturday morning with a bit of a headache - while we tried to attribute it to the altitude, it was much more likely due to the numerous drinks from the previous night!  Keith managed to get a walk around the park and we also helped Kristina a bit with setup for the party.  The "helpers" arrived at about 3pm and the rest of the attendees started arriving after 5pm.  It was really fun to see a lot of old friends and colleagues - and we had raised over $26,000 by the end of the evening.

On Sunday, we had coffee with Kristina and helped her take down all the decorations in the back yard before getting in our final walk around the park.  We met Patrick and Donnell at Homegrown for lunch (ordering our favorite Kale and Salmon salad) and because of peer pressure had a couple of beers to boot.  The flight took off on time so we made it back home by 10:30pm.

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