Monday, February 18, 2019

Ski Trip - February 2019

Alta - Ria, Keith and Rak
After a successful ski trip to Salt Lake City last year with Rakesh, Simran, and Ria, we opted to return, this time spending the time at Alta and Snowbird.  Simran and Shawna, however, decided to make it a separate girls weekend so abandoned us for their own trip to San Diego.

Keith was supposed to arrive within 15 minutes of Rakesh and Ria, but his flight was delayed a couple of hours.  So Rakesh and Ria used the time to stock up at Whole Foods and have a pasta dinner ready to go when Keith arrived at the VRBO in Cottonwood Springs.  It was then immediately to bed so we could get an early start on the Saturday.

Snowbird - Keith, Rak, Ria and Shelly (instructor)
We made it to Alta early enough on the Saturday to rent the skis and get our lift tickets and meet our instructor Shelly in time for the first lift of the day.  Shelly asked us our goals for the day: we let her know they were to be safe, have fun, and learn a bit.  We did not mention that our goal was also to skip the lines with an instructor!  With a huge dump of fresh powder, our instructor took us down mostly black diamonds and taught us to navigate the powder.  It was possibly the best day skiing Keith has ever had.  It was so good we asked the instructor to spend the second day with us.  Ria also did really well: easily making it down any slope that the boys did.  We hit Snowbird the next day and back to Alta the last day - by which time Keith and Rakesh were sore from head to toe.

Food on the trip was good - we got Indian takeout which lasted us two nights and ate at a taco shop the last night.  Breakfasts were in the VRBO with lunches on the mountain.

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