Friday, December 6, 2019

Louisiana - Thanksgiving - November 2019

This year we were back in Louisiana to see Shawna's mom for Thanksgiving.  Honny had a minor surgery on the Tuesday so Shawna flew in on the Monday night before and also stayed the week after Thanksgiving to help her out before flying to Texas.  The surgery went well - she had to stay one night in the hospital - and after she was quite sore for a couple of weeks.

Keith arrived on Wednesday evening.  On Thanksgiving, Nicole, Hunter, Harmony and Hayden joined us for lunch - Mom had catered a few items and Chet made the yummy turkey and stuffing for us.  The rest of the weekend was low key since we couldn't go anywhere - we got some work done, watched lots of Hallmark Christmas movies and the Crown and cooked at home.  Keith left on Sunday to return to Chicago.

For the rest of the week, Shawna worked during the day, cooked meals and ran errands for her mom.  It was nice to spend some additional quality time with her mom.  She flew out on Friday to Texas to join Keith for a weekend with Keith's family before returning to Chicago.

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