Sunday, December 8, 2019

Texas - December 2019

At the Pantomime
This year was a trip to Texas for our early Christmas event.

Keith flew in form Austin on the Thursday night as he was there for work.  Dick picked Keith up at the airport and had Indian at Nanglo where they had the exact same dish of lamb vindaloo (to the chagrin of the waiter who wanted them to have different items) before going to the house.  Jean was not home yet so Keith went to bed as he had an early morning for work.

Keith's Friday was conference calls all day.  He then picked up Shawna, who was flying in from Louisiana, at the airport and brought her back to the house.  We all had a glass of wine before driving to Fort Worth to enjoy a wonderful dinner at Saint-Emilion.

On Saturday, we both worked in the morning and went for a walk.  We then just relaxed around the house before all meeting Margaret, Owen, Josie, and two of Josie's friends at Grimaldis pizza for dinner - we were able to get a table for 9 without a reservation.  After dinner, we walked downtown Grapevine (known as the Christmas Capital of Texas!) where the lights on the main street actually were quite impressive.  The evening was capped off with the Grapevine Pantomime at the Runway Theater which was based on Cinderella.

King and Queen Dodds!
On Sunday, we did some more work before meeting Graham and Margaret at Breadwinners.  Our flight was in the afternoon and we made it safely home - Shawna was excited to be back at her home!

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