Sunday, March 31, 2013

Louisiana - March 2013

Shawna decided to visit her mom on the way back from a work trip to Hartford. She arrived late on Thursday and worked from the house the next day. She and her mom went to dinner at The Red River Grill on Friday night where Shawna had grilled fish with a shrimp and crab sauce. Later that evening, Shawna discovered her mom finally had 'on demand' so they watched Anna Karanina.

On Saturday, they visited her Aunt Jean and cousins Ashley and Glenn while having a yummy gumbo for lunch at her aunt's house. They then went to Alexandria to see a movie (The Admission), do a little shopping, and have dinner at Copelands where Shawna had another tasty fish dish.

Harmony and Hayden
 On Sunday, they had Easter lunch at Nicole's with her dad, Barbara, Nicole's dad, Pat, Chet and all the kids. Lunch was quite filling - pork roast, brisket, dirty rice, corn bread dressing, macaroni and cheese and green bean casserole - yes, there was one green item on the menu! After dropping her mom off back home, Shawna then left for the airport. It was a busy weekend and nice to spend time with mom!

Shawna and Her Dad

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