Sunday, March 31, 2013

Texas - March 2013

Dodds Family at Mughli
Keith had planned a ski trip with Patrick this weekend.  However, Patrick's landlord decided to sell the house, Patrick needed to find a new place and therefore cancelled the weekend.  Shawna had already planned a trip to Louisiana the same weekend, so to keep in the will (and celebrate his dad's 71st birthday) Keith got a last-minute ticket to Texas.

He flew out on a 6pm flight (after a quick dinner of Schlotzkys at in terminal A) and arrived at about 8:45pm.  Jean and Dick picked him up and all headed over to see Graham at Central 214 for a bottle of Migration wine and a couple of appetizers.  Graham chatted with us a little while, then we headed home as Keith was zonked. 

Saturday we went for a walk around Colleyville, including an hour along the Cotton Belt Trail and a lunch at Trio - passing all the Mansions (not even McMansions).  Keith headed over to see Peter, Jenn, and the kids for an hour, then caught up with Margaret, Damon, and the kids before heading home to change for dinner. 

Dinner was at Mughli, Dick's request for his birthday dinner.  Margaret joined us, and Graham was able to make it at the last minute so it was the family of 5 back together again. 

Keith had an early morning flight back to Denver, so it was a quick 36 hours in Texas!

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