Monday, May 9, 2016

Jean and Dick Visit - Mothers Day Weekend 2016


Dodds Clan at Baltimore Harbor
Keith's parents had not visited us in Baltimore yet.  To take advantage of the weather, we invited them to join us for Mother's Day weekend.

Shawna was in Austin on the Thursday so Keith picked his parents up at the airport and brought them back to the house and then immediately walked over to Fork and Wrench for dinner.  It was a delicious dinner, then we returned to the house for another bottle of wine as we waited for Shawna to arrive and join us for a last glass of wine before bed.

Inn at Perry Cabin
Keith's parent's drove themselves to DC on Friday as they were to meet up with friends from their Lindblad trips.  We were planning on seeing a movie that night but the terrible traffic back from DC prevented that - instead we just had wine/cheese to start and then salad for dinner followed by watching a Blacklist that none of us had seen from that week.

House on St Michael's Walking Tour
Saturday was the big excursion day.  We left early in the morning to St Michaels, a 1:40 drive from the house.  We arrived in time for a coffee at San Domingo before joining a walking tour.  The tour was with the St Michaels Museum and lasted about 90 minutes.  There were about 15 people on the tour with us.  The town is incredibly cute with old houses and a great history.  The only drawback of the tour was it was a bit of a factoid download without anecdotes or stories.  The tour finished at the Maritime Museum. We then walked the ten minutes to the Inn at Perry Cabin where we had a noon lunch reservation.  We shared a crab cake sandwich and mussels while Keith's parents each got their own mussels.  Lunch was delicious and an elegant location.  We walked around the back lawn where Wedding Crashers was filmed then went back to the car which was parked in town. The next stop was Annapolis where we dropped by the tourist bureau to get a map and then navigated around the historic part of town.  We walked by the capital, governors mansion, a few churches, old homes with a variety of architecture, and wrapped it up with a tour of the gardens at William Paca house.  It was still a bit early so we drove back to Baltimore and had dinner at Darbar where we had twelve spice chicken curry.  Dinner was delicious.

Sunday was the day to explore Baltimore Harbor.  It was Mothers Day so Shawna cooked up a delicious breakfast of Shakshuka.  We walked to Fells Point for a walking tour, stopping by The Daily Grind for a drink to start.  The walking tour, hosted by Claire, was really well done with the right balance of history and architecture.  Following the tour, we walked around the harbor in time to catch the Watermark boat tour.  It was a 45 minute narrated ride around the harbor to Fort McHenry and back.  By that time, it was later afternoon so time to walk back to the house and relax before walking to dinner at Blue Hill Tavern.  Since it was Mothers Day, the menu was a bit limited but still tasty - we shared the swordfish.

Fells Point
Shawna had to work on Monday and Keith had a few job search calls in the morning so his parents went for a walk to Daily Grind and back.  Keith and his parents had a quick lunch at Nalley Fresh, and since it was supposed to rain they went to see the movie Mothers Day.  Dinner was at Thames Street Oyster House where we ate upstairs.  Jean and Dick had a flight on the Tuesday morning so Keith dropped them off at the airport with plans to see them two weeks later at the celebration of life for Jessie.  

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