Sunday, May 22, 2016

Louisiana - May 2016

While Keith went to Washington for Jessie's celebration of life, Shawna opted to visit her mom in Louisiana as a belated Mother's Day gift.  She flew in late on Thursday night and flew out late on Sunday to Hartford to attend some meetings there.

While in Louisiana, she went shopping with her mom in Lafayette, spending most of their time (and money) at Talbot's where Shawna's mom bought a few things for Shawna's upcoming birthday.  She also went out to dinner with her mom at Brown Bag on Friday night and with her mom, Nicole and Nicole's boyfriend at Red River Grill on Saturday night.  The meals at both restaurants were very tasty.  The rest of the time was spent going for walks, chatting with her mom and visiting Nicole to see her new porch.  Shawna's mom had also made a lemon cake which she and her mom were successful in polishing off over the weekend - this didn't help the diet at all!

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