Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Jessie French Celebration of Life - May 2016

Jessie French, Keith's "grandmother", died a couple of months prior.  Her daughter Barbara decided to have a Celebration of Life in Richland, WA.  Unfortunately Graham could not make it because of commitments at the restaurant, but Keith's parents and sister were able to attend.  Shawna used the weekend to spend time with her mother in Louisiana.

Keith and Margaret at Riverfront Park
Keith flew out on the Friday night through Denver, where Margaret connected on the same flight from there to Spokane.  That flight arrived at 11:30pm - and it was quick to get the rental car and drive to the Fairfield Inn in Spokane.  We had the best of intentions to get up at 6am and do a 6 mile hike that Margaret had found - but we were wrecked from the time zone changes (and Margaret does not get to sleep in often b/c of the kids) so we slept in.  Instead we "hiked" to the local Starbucks on Main Street and then walked around Riverfront Park.  The park is on a peninsula with rapid falls down one side - quite a pretty walk.  After packing up we drove the 2.25 hours south to Barbara's place in Richland, stopping via a Starbucks to take to the house.  Keith's parents were already there, having flown in with Pat the day before.

Dick Reminiscing about Jessie
We both showered at Barbara's in time for the event to start at 2pm.  About 50 people showed up, mostly friends and neighbors of Barbara.  Robert, Ann, and the kids were also there so it was fun to see them.  Keith's dad kicked off the "reminiscences" - about five others also spoke before Barbara wrapped it up.  There was a heap of food, including sausage rolls and finger sandwiches.  We helped put away the tables and chairs before driving to the Fairfield Inn near Barbara's house.

Margaret, Keith, Jean, and Dick at Dinner
Keith and Margaret met their parents for dinner at Lu Lu, a recently opened restaurant in the area.  Dinner was pretty good.  Keith posted the picture of the family at the table on Facebook - and amusingly his friend Michelle replied that her parents were at the same restaurant that night - her dad had a "crazy mustache" and her mom was "short and likely drinking beer".  It was pretty easy to spot them, so Keith walked over and introduced himself.  Small world!

The Sunday morning Keith and Margaret picked up Krispy Kreme and Starbucks and brought those to Barbara's - it was Barbara's birthday so we could have a bit of a celebration and chat before we left.  Before heading out we all went over to the cabin that Barbara bought (and Robert is renovating) that they will turn into a VRBO.  It is a great place with an amazing view - the inside was gutted as Robert works through the renovation.

Keith and Margaret then drove the 2.25 hours back to the airport for a flight home - both on the same flight to Denver where they parted ways.

While a whirlwind trip, it was a great way to say farewell to Jessie.

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